thy blog owner.
Is a tad too obsessed with the men of Johnny's Entertainment.

Wants to have her very own set of dancing, shirtless men.

Loves peach tea and passion fruit tea.

Studying in NP and not NYP. I &hearts NP!

Is not afraid of procrastinating work.

&hearts V6

&hearts 三宅健~~

hear your voice.

the big big world.
Belle Evonne Sarah Joo Fion Mien Jesse Duck Cheryl Sam Crystal Danielle Melody

  • September 2007
  • October 2007
  • January 2008
  • February 2008
  • September 2008
  • October 2008
  • February 2009
  • March 2009
  • April 2009
  • May 2009
  • June 2009
  • July 2009
  • August 2009
  • November 2009
  • January 2010
  • May 2010

    spontaneous applause.
    Layout: materialisti-c
    V6 icons: duckii-mustang
    Okada with dog icon made by me

    Friday, October 31, 2008
    Title : Who's he? Oh, he's just my new WANT.
    Time : 10/31/2008 06:16:00 PM

    Oh crap. 

    This...is the first time I can ever say that I have lusted heavily after a celebrity. 



    Oh. My. Gawd.

    Why the hell is he so hot and so unattainable?

    *spasms and dies*





    If thine shall ever read this, do not hesitate to call me XD gosh, I'm going overboard. And it's wayyyy too close to SPM for my liking.

    ISN'T HE THE ADORABLEST!!!!??????????

    And the best thing is, he's only one year older than me!!!!!!!!

    He models for Burberry though. Way out of my league. Surrounded by hot models. *sigh* I'm trying to burst my own bubble.



    Tuesday, October 28, 2008
    Title :
    Time : 10/28/2008 06:15:00 PM

    By the beard of Merlin.

    Am I suddenly being overlooked by my peers?

    I mean, would it hurt to drop a "Hey, we're going to ------- wanna join us? If you can't then never mind" message, right? Instead of just automatically assuming that I'm busy. I don't wanna instigate things because I'm not sure whether you want to be at home or not. 


    Okay, I'm being really trivial here. But all I want to do is be with my homies! *sigh* I know I didn't really go out last time and y'know, hang out but then...I had alot going on. Ugh, it's my fault, I guess, for making my life so reclusive. Nevertheless, a simple message won't hurt right? I hate missing out on the fun you guys have y'know. And seeing you guys having your crack fun without me was like a punch in the gut. I don't want my friends to drift apart from me because of my jackass attitude of staying at home. The thing is, just don't automatically assume crap about my decisions. They're mecurial. I could be feeling really cold this time and really hot the next. I'm not accusing you though! Like I said, it should be my arsey 'tude of staying home that made you guys think that. 

    Oh my gawd, this post makes me sound so selfish. Like my friends MUST tell me that they're going out. It's not like that!! I swear. I hate pressuring people like that. It's just that...Idk, there's this little hurt spot in my heart. I have to get my burden off me. Um...I guess all I'm just trying to get at is just to not simply assume that "I'm too busy for everything." Jeebus. You don't want me to go, just say so la. Or on second thoughts, DON'T. That's just dumb. 

    You know the irony? I'm super free during study leave, but everyone is just so quiet. Should I be the one to ask everyone to go out or something? Oh no wait, we have SPM. That's why I don't want to become the object of every parents' furiousness because I asked thier kids to go out. I'm even thinking about not asking anyone out on my birthday cuz we have to study. I don't even think I wanna celebrate my birthday anymore. I'm not really that jazzed about it...I think my homies aren't really that jazzed either, considering that SPM is in 2 weeks...why the fuck should I celebrate when we're all so pressured? Fuck SPM. Fuck my birthday. Fuck EVERYTHING.

    Bloody hell.
    Title :
    Time : 10/28/2008 03:03:00 PM

    Got tagged by J-Man. ARGH THAT NAME IS RECIPE FOR DEATH! Sorry, it's Jesse! Yeah, so here goes~

    Three names you go by :

    Three screen names you have had :

    Three physical things you like about yourself :
    -My hair.
    -My lips.
    -My secksy arse which can not be secksy at times.

    Three physical things you DON'T like about yourself:
    -Unsecksy arse which refuses to co-operate at times
    -My calves *too muscular for their own good*
    -My arms *too fat for their own good*

    Three parts of your heritage :

    Three things that scare you :
    -Having secks with a man-whore

    Three of your everyday essentials :
    -Ghey friends.

    Three things you are wearing now :
    -Swatch watch
    -O'Reef black shirt
    -Giordano pinstripe pants

    Three of your favourite bands or musical arts :
    -Howard Shore
    -Hans Zimmer
    -Shoji Meguro

    Three of your favourite songs (right now) :
    -Tenmon ft Elisa - Euphoric Field
    -UVERworld - CHANCE!
    -UVERworld - Gekidou

    Three things you want in a relationship :
    -Similar interests
    -Torrid, passionate love

    Three physical things about the preferred sex that appeals to you :
    -Hair that screams "I'M A GUY AND I LOVE IT."
    -Smothering, hot eyes.
    -Height *not too tall till he has to pick me up to kiss him and not too short till I have to stoop to kiss him.*

    Three of your hobbies :
    -Arranging music scores
    -Preparing dinner
    -Reading anything I can read

    Three things you wanna do really badly right now :
    -Hone my gaming skills and defeat Pixy in Ace Combat Zero.
    -Raep Alex Pettyfer and traumatise him for life till he can't have secks with anyone except me.
    -Make onigiri.

    Careers you're considering / considered before :
    -Music therapist
    -Literature professor at some prestigious college

    Three places you want to go on vacation :
    -Japan (especially Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto.)
    -Er...damn, where else?? Oh, Italy.

    Three things you want to do before you die :
    -Raep Alex Pettyfer and see whether he wears boxers or briefs.
    -Write a novel. A matured novel. None of these sappy love stories. Eventhough I like sappy love stories.
    -Have secks with my husband in every country in the world.

    Three ways that you are Stereotypical a girl/guy :

    (whutthefug does this mean...?? Oh wells, I shall answer according to how I understand the question.)
    -I have straight hair that is crimped and only noticed by people at the end of the year..?
    -I like cute things?
    -I have a considerable amount of pink things?

    Title :
    Time : 10/28/2008 02:50:00 PM

    RULES: 1 . Take a recent picture of yourself or take a picture of yourself right now .
    2 . Don`t change your clothes , don`t fix your hair . Just take a picture .
    3 . Post that picture with NO editing .
    4 . Post these instructions with your picture .
    5 . Tag 10 people to do this .

    My face is like a moon and I look horrendous LOL.

    I shall tag: Sarah, Jesse, Fion, Joo, Belle, Chang Mien, Sidney koko, Charlene, Zoe, Cheryl.

    Title : WHADDAFUG
    Time : 10/28/2008 02:08:00 PM

    I have no idea why I'm doing this but....lol, just felt like it I guess :D

    ~Music Meme~
    If your life was a movie, what would the soundtrack be?
    So, here's how it works:
    1. Open your library (Mp3, Winamp, Media Player, iPod etc.)
    2. Put in on shuffle
    3. Press play
    4. For every question, type the song that's playing
    5. When you go to a new question, press the next botton
    6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool!


    Waking Up: AIR-Tori No Uta(Piano Version)

    First Day Of School: HIGH and MIGHTY color - Pride

    Falling In Love: John Williams & London Symphony Orchestra-Tales of a Jedi Knight/Learn

    About the Force (Star Wars Ep IV OST)

    Battle Theme: John Williams & London Symphony Orchestra-The Trash Compacter (Ditto)

    Breaking Up: Shoji Meguro-The Path is Open (Persona 3 OST)

    PrinceProm: Howard Shore-The Breaking Up of the Fellowship (LoTR:FoTR OST)

    Life's Just...: Noir OST-Canta Per Me

    Mental Breakdown: Lost Prophets-Rooftops

    Driving: Ayumi Hamasaki-No Way to Say

    Flashback: Shoji Meguro-tartarus_0d02 (Persona 3 OST)

    Getting Back Together: Aya Hirano-God Knows

    Birth Of Child: Keiki Kobayashi-Juggernaut (Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War OST)

    Wedding: Gazette-Cassis

    Final Battle: Sarah Bareilles-Love Song

    Death Scene: Howard Shore-At the Sign of the Prancing Pony (LoTR:FoTR OST)

    Funeral Song: Kawada Mami-Sense

    End Credits: Howard Shore-The Black Gate Is Closed (LoTR:RoTK OST)


    Now, I would like to comment about the music I used to answer.
    1.Waking Up: Er.....lol, is quite fitting I suppose. GO LISTEN!

    2.First Day of School: ... I have no idea what to say about this.

    3.Falling in Love: !! WTF OF ALL THINGS TO GET. How the heck is Learning About the Force ties in with that??? Yeah, I really went WTF.

    4.Battle Theme: TRASH COMPACTER?? ... SO UNEXPECETED. Ugh, granted, Luke, Han and Leia HAD to free themselves from the grasps of the creature inside the garbage compacter inside
    the Star Destroyer...

    5.Breaking Up: With boyfriend? This song is SO ironic. Cuz it plays when you (as the main character in P3) have forged an unbreakable bond with someone.

    6.PrinceProm: Um...whut? ORZ anyways, I bet my song answer has nothing whatsoever to do with the question.

    7.Life's Just...: Eh, quite fitting. Not bad.

    8.Mental Breakdown: HECK YEAH.

    9.Driving: Hmm...alright, I guess. XD

    10.Flashback: W.T.F. Do you know what's Tartarus?? It's a building which only appears during
    the Dark Hour!! What's wrong with all my music answers??

    11.Getting Back Together: Oh wow, lots of passion and bubblyness.

    12.Birth of Child: OHMYGAWD JUST GO LISTEN TO THAT SONG. IT'S TOTALLY...crap, if my childbirth was like that...*don't wanna think about it.*

    13.Wedding: WTF >.<


    Super long, ne? I shall tag Sarah, Jesse, Sammy, Joo and Belle.