I can't believe I'm actually blogging again.
I guess stress right now in poly is on such an epic scale that even Twitter isn't even enough for me to vent on XDDD BUT ANYHOO!
I'm supposed to be doing my critique for the stupid research article for an even stupider Nursing Research. Dammit, why can't this be a module in UNI where one can choose to become a RESEARCH NURSE and do all these stupid CRITIQUES ARGH LIKE WTF MAN. But at least I'm not like my dood friend from Film & Media Studies who has to do a Youth Olympic Games 2010 situational analysis crap thing in both English
and FRENCH. He's totally tearing his hair out right now, poor guy.
Thank heavens I backed out from the Lentor Medics Training for YOG 2010. I've got enough on my platter as it already is and I have NO idea what possessed me to sign up and think that I was competent enough to handle everything.
*points middle finger at piano club*
The people in there are terrible. No I don't freakin' care if they can see these, oh wait they won't coz I'm too insignificant just coz I'm in Health Sciences, well HA BLOODY HA, you guys are mental, go die.
I'm not making any sense any more am I?
*slowly crawls back to MS Word and gazes with hopelessness at critique*
This is a sham ):
Labels: D:, education's trap, issues, my boring RL, NP life, the harshness of RL