thy blog owner.
Is a tad too obsessed with the men of Johnny's Entertainment.

Wants to have her very own set of dancing, shirtless men.

Loves peach tea and passion fruit tea.

Studying in NP and not NYP. I &hearts NP!

Is not afraid of procrastinating work.

&hearts V6

&hearts 三宅健~~

hear your voice.

the big big world.
Belle Evonne Sarah Joo Fion Mien Jesse Duck Cheryl Sam Crystal Danielle Melody

  • September 2007
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    spontaneous applause.
    Layout: materialisti-c
    V6 icons: duckii-mustang
    Okada with dog icon made by me

    Tuesday, September 23, 2008
    Title :
    Time : 9/23/2008 06:40:00 PM

    Gosh. I wish our school was good enough to have a full orchestra. I've been watching all those videos on YouTube where I see school orchestras playing brilliant Pirates of the Carribean medleys...T.T Why can't we Lodgians be that good? Aren't we suppose to excel in the arts field too? Sadly, only a handful of students can excel in that field. Most just do really well academically. 


    I'm not saying that we suck!! Heck, I'm a Lodgian!! Why would I say that the students in my school suck?? It's just, I wish we also have recognition in the arts field. Lots of people NOT from Lodge think we are snobbish and kek kuan. BUT THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND. Just because we're good in English!! *Well, I think we are...* Seriously, some outside school students are waaaaaay more haolien than us. I've met students who found out that I was from Lodge one time. They snubbed me, saying that Lodge School was only for rich kids and everyone who goes there is haolien.


    Sigh. Y'know, after we did all those 'charity' events thing, some of the golongan masyrakat in Kuching thought that we do it for show only. Oh my gawd. Well, maybe only segelintir of us did it for show. But the rest of us really wanted to help!! And I hate people stereotyping me as typical Ah Sia kia from Lodge. Stupid la. Some aunties whose name I do not plan to mention told my mum that I never seem to be independent and pro-active. Yes, I'm direct translating. But anyway...

    WHO SAYS I'M NOT INDEPENDENT???? I couldn't help my mum for a while BECAUSE OF MY FOOT. NOT BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO. WHY THE F*CK CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT??? Just because you don't have kids of your own.

    Some un-Lodgian parents are also one kind. They are jealous of us *happy* Lodgians cuz we (to put it simply in their point of view) are much better than their own kids. So they try to find ways to cut us down to pieces.

    Lol, I'm ranting here. I don't know why. Maybe some things from the past just came back to haunt me. 

    P/S: THIS HERE IS PURELY MY OPINION. If you disagree, please do so in my Cbox POLITELY please. I can do without rudeness in my life...
    Thursday, September 18, 2008
    Title :
    Time : 9/18/2008 07:46:00 PM


    TRIALS ARE OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)




    And SPM is just REOUUND the corner! =(

    Meks me sad to think of it, eejit....I need the results if I want to get into ze college of my choice. 

    My Adobe CS2 is gone!!! And now I gots a *useless* tablet which will only become usable when I got some drawing program thingy *shameless begging to those who read this post*

    Oh and I've lost my voice but regained it again!! I'm happy. And I just realised that I've never gotten around to chronicling my Korea vacation at um....let's see....was it February? Gosu, time passes so fast!!!!!!! NOOOOOOO!!! I'VE NOT ENOUGH TIME!!!!!!!! The seconds and milliseconds tick by catching me unawares!!!!!!! Yeah, I'm babbling on. There's not much drama going on in my life now. I don't loathe anyone and anyone don't loathe me (not that I know of but yea...).

    I got my Perd and Ekons papers (albeit only objective) back and I've got to say, I'm neither pleased nor unhappy with my results. Um, neutral. That's the word. Well, honestly I don't really care about my mock results actually. It's either good or it's not good. I still remember wailing to my mum (in Primary 6) cuz I got 4B's and 1A. Ah, it was inverted during real UPSR. SO!! Does anyone get my point? Yes? No?


    Did anyone even expect me to actually update? *LE GASP* TEH PEEGS HAVE FLOWN!! VOLDEMORT HAS A NOSE!!! HARRY iS A PONCE!!

    *i liek making HP references~~~*
    Title :
    Time : 9/18/2008 07:46:00 PM

    I like Gekidou (by UVERworld if you must know). I don't know why I'm so addicted to it....meh, it's nice to listen to anyways.

    Lol, I can't believe I didn't even have a post about my very minor operation last month. 

    THIS is (a very poor recreation of) the scene of the accident. Please assume the stick figure is me but I am not usually bald, k?? *sigh*

    I tripped while turning around after washing my hands. Meh, more precisely, my blasted right ankle decided to go and have a weak moment, causing me to unbalance and fall.

    I don't really remember anything cuz I was in great pain. I think I cussed much tho. My foot was all swollen and throbbing LOL and shockwaves pretty much gave me spasms of pain *which indefinitely sent MORE shockwaves*

    Apparently, I dislocated a bone in my foot~ This bone (called accessory navicular) is only available in 10% out of...a certain number of people. I forgot what Doctor said~ Anyways, he said it needed to have a screw to connect it with my other normal main bone so that it won't dislocate again. Which, meant an operation. And a 2 days 1 night stay in Kuching Specialist...

    The bloody(no pun intended. It wasn't even bloody anyway.) operation theatre was FREEZING. Sarah said my lips were blue when she came to see me. I couldn't stop shaking/shivering/trembling for a good few hours after the operation lol. My teeth were chattering and it was hard to drink water. Oh, and my room had a party-like atmosphere at night cuz two really nice aunties and uncles from church came to visit me~~ Yeah, they're my parent's *street gang* and I HAD FOOD~

    Yeah, this is the X-Ray. Scrutinize it properly~~~ Yuks man.